Ananya Pandey
8 articles
A Data Science graduate in the making, Ananya is a tech enthusiast with a flair for writing. When not doing the usual course work, she enjoys the company of movies and books. She firmly believes that programming is an essential skill to pick up, and that anybody can learn to code with the right resources. Ananya is always up for a conversation on multiple subjects from Automation to Avengers.
Scope rules in C Programming
Find The Most Frequent Element in an Array
Program to find sum of n natural numbers in C++ [3 Methods]
Finding the Maximum and Minimum Elements of an Array using C++
The Difference Between int main( ), void main( ) and int main (void)
Convering a string into upper or lower case in C++
Exceptions in C++
Array operations - Traversal, Copy, Reverse, Sort in C++