Juhi Kamdar
30 articles
An engineering student, who loves to crack binary jokes. Started coding at an age of 17, her zeal for knowledge has now made her a pro in it. Apart from that she likes to inspire people, and give them, a tour of her imaginative world through strings of words.
Sum of n natural numbers in C++
Program for lcm in C++ | Program for hcf in C++
substring function in C++ | Extract Substring Program C++
Sort string in C++
Armstrong Number in C++
Program to print inverted Floyd’s triangle star pattern in C++
Factorial Program in C++
Fibonacci series C++ Program
Program to print Floyd's triangle star pattern in C++
Diamond pattern program in C++
Program to print Inverted Pascal’s Triangle in C++
String copy in C++
Palindrome string program in C++
How to concatenate two strings in C++ ?
Program to find the vowels in given string
Program to delete vowels from a given string
Program to check if two strings are anagrams
Program to remove whitespaces from string in C++
Program to Convert string to lowercase or uppercase in C++
Matrix multiplication in C++
Program to Swap two strings in C++
Program to find Maximum and minimum number in C++
Program to find Sum of digits in C++
Program to Add two numbers using pointers in C++
Program to print Pascal’s Triangle in C++
Program to check odd or even in C++
Transpose of matrix in C++
Subtraction of matrices in C++
Addition of matrices in C++
Palindrome program in C++