Pooja Rao
34 articles
Pooja Rao is a software engineer. Freelance content writer. Soft skills enthusiast and soon to be trainer. Artist and an avid animal/environment lover. Runs an art page. Finds solace in helping and empowering others, listening to music and experiencing art.
Storing Values and Printing Arrays in C
C program to find maximum and minimum in array
Multiplication of two matrices in C
Transpose matrix in C
Subtraction of two matrices in C
Addition of two matrices in C
2d array in C | Initialisation and Program
Accessing array element in C
Strings in c gets(), fgets(), getline(), getchar(), puts(), putchar(), strlen()
Array operations in C – Part 2
Changing Case of Strings
Operations on array in C - Part 1
C program to reverse string
Program to sort a string in C
Program to Removing Blank Spaces from a string in C
Program to Swap two Strings in C
Anagram program in C
Concatenate strings in C
Palindrome program in C
Program in C to delete the vowels in a string
substring program in C
Comparing strings in C
Backtracking in C
Program to Copy strings in C
Introduction and Application of arrays
Difference between void main and int main
Operators precedence in C
Typeconversion and Typecasting in C
Static memory allocation in C | Dynamic memory allocation in C
Recursion in C with program
Tower of Hanoi Program in C
Types of Recursion
Difference between Recursion and Iteration | Iteration vs Recursion
Union and Structure in C