Program to check if two strings are anagrams
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Anagrams are the strings that have the same letters but the letters are in different orders.
For a better understanding look at the following examples below:
eat, tea, ate
ant, tan
gold ring , long grid
chairman, chair man
Thus, from the above examples, we can say that
- Total Number of letters are same.
- String length need not be same.
We will use our first observation as the main idea. We take an array of size 26 to keep a count of each letter of the string. For example, count[0] will contain the number of ‘a’ in the string.
- Take two strings as input.
- Initialize two arrays (one for each string) of size 26, and initialize them to 0.
- Run a loop and traverse the string.
- Next, with the ascii code of each character. We will determine its position by subtracting 97 from it.
- Increase the count at that index (of count array) by 1.
- Perform the same process for the second string.
- Next, compare the value at each index of count1[] and count2[].
- If they match we can say that the string are anagrams else, they are not.
#include <iostream> #include<string> using namespace std;
int isanagram(string str1,string str2) { int count1[26] = {0}, count2[26] = {0}, ascii, i = 0; while (str1[i] != '\0') //counting all alphabets in string 1 { ascii=str1[i]-97; //taking each character's ascii value and feeding it into the count array count1[ascii]+=1; //taking into assumption that the string is made of lower case chars only. i++; } i = 0; while (str2[i] != '\0') //counting all alphabets in string 2 { ascii=str2[i]-97; count2[ascii]+=1; i++; } for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) //comparing the count of chars in both strings { if (count1[i] != count2[i]) return 0; } return 1; }
int main() {
string str1,str2; cout<<"Enter string 1\n"; getline(cin,str1); cout<<"Enter String 2:\n"; getline(cin,str2); if (isanagram(str1, str2)) //calling the anagram checking method printf("The strings are anagrams\n"); else printf("The strings are not anagrams\n"); return 0;
Optimistic case:
Enter string 1anagram
Enter String 2:nag a ram
The strings are anagrams
Pessimistic case:
Enter string 1hello
Enter String 2:world
The strings are not anagrams