Red Black Tree Insertion

Written by

Sonal Moga

What is Red Black Tree ?
Insertion in Red Black Tree
Deletion in Red Black Tree

Red Black Tree Insertion

Insertion operation in a Red-black tree is quite similar to a standard binary tree insertion, it begins by adding a node at a time and by coloring it red.

The main difference that we can point out is that in a binary search tree, a new node is added as a leaf but in red-black tree leaf nodes don’t contain any info, so a new node replaces the existing leaf and then has two black leaves of its own added. 

# Program to implement Red-Black Tree

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Node


int data;

Node * parent;

Node * left;

Node * right;

int color;


typedef Node * NodePtr;

class RedBlackTree



NodePtr root;

NodePtr TNULL;

void initializeNULLNode(NodePtr node, NodePtr parent)


node - &gt; data = 0;

node - &gt; parent = parent;

node - &gt; left = nullptr;

node - &gt; right = nullptr;

node - &gt; color = 0;


void preOrderTraversal(NodePtr node)


if (node != TNULL)


  cout &lt;&lt; node - &gt; data &lt;&lt; " ";

  preOrderTraversal(node - &gt; left);

  preOrderTraversal(node - &gt; right);



void inOrderTraversal(NodePtr node)


if (node != TNULL)


  inOrderTraversal(node - &gt; left);

  cout &lt;&lt; node - &gt; data &lt;&lt; " ";

  inOrderTraversal(node - &gt; right);



void postOrderTraversal(NodePtr node)


if (node != TNULL)


  postOrderTraversal(node - &gt; left);

  postOrderTraversal(node - &gt; right);

  cout &lt;&lt; node - &gt; data &lt;&lt; " ";



NodePtr searchTree(NodePtr node, int key)


if (node == TNULL || key == node - &gt; data)


  return node;


if (key &lt; node - &gt; data)


  return searchTree(node - &gt; left, key);


return searchTree(node - &gt; right, key);


void rbTransplant(NodePtr u, NodePtr v)


if (u - &gt; parent == nullptr)


  root = v;

} else if (u == u - &gt; parent - &gt; left)


  u - &gt; parent - &gt; left = v;

} else


  u - &gt; parent - &gt; right = v;


v - &gt; parent = u - &gt; parent;


void insertFix(NodePtr k)


NodePtr u;

while (k - &gt; parent - &gt; color == 1)


  if (k - &gt; parent == k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; right)


    u = k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; left;

    if (u - &gt; color == 1)


      u - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 1;

      k = k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent;

    } else


      if (k == k - &gt; parent - &gt; left)


        k = k - &gt; parent;



      k - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 1;

      leftRotate(k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent);


  } else


    u = k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; right;

    if (u - &gt; color == 1)


      u - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 1;

      k = k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent;

    } else


      if (k == k - &gt; parent - &gt; right)


        k = k - &gt; parent;



      k - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 0;

      k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent - &gt; color = 1;

      rightRotate(k - &gt; parent - &gt; parent);



  if (k == root)





root - &gt; color = 0;


void printTree(NodePtr root, string indent, bool last)


if (root != TNULL)


  cout &lt;&lt; indent;

  if (last)


    cout &lt;&lt; "R----";

    indent += "   ";

  } else


    cout &lt;&lt; "L----";

    indent += "|  ";


  string sColor = root - &gt; color ? "RED" : "BLACK";

  cout &lt;&lt; root - &gt; data &lt;&lt; "(" &lt;&lt; sColor &lt;&lt; ")" &lt;&lt; endl;

  printTree(root - &gt; left, indent, false);

  printTree(root - &gt; right, indent, true);






TNULL = new Node;

TNULL - &gt; color = 0;

TNULL - &gt; left = nullptr;

TNULL - &gt; right = nullptr;

root = TNULL;


void preorder()


preOrderTraversal(this - &gt; root);


void inorder()


inOrderTraversal(this - &gt; root);


void postorder()


postOrderTraversal(this - &gt; root);


NodePtr searchTree(int k)


return searchTree(this - &gt; root, k);


NodePtr minimum(NodePtr node)


while (node - &gt; left != TNULL)


  node = node - &gt; left;


return node;


NodePtr maximum(NodePtr node)


while (node - &gt; right != TNULL)


  node = node - &gt; right;


return node;


NodePtr successor(NodePtr x)


if (x - &gt; right != TNULL)


  return minimum(x - &gt; right);


NodePtr y = x - &gt; parent;

while (y != TNULL &amp;&amp; x == y - &gt; right)


  x = y;

  y = y - &gt; parent;


return y;


NodePtr predecessor(NodePtr x)


if (x - &gt; left != TNULL)


  return maximum(x - &gt; left);


NodePtr y = x - &gt; parent;

while (y != TNULL &amp;&amp; x == y - &gt; left)


  x = y;

  y = y - &gt; parent;


return y;


void leftRotate(NodePtr x)


NodePtr y = x - &gt; right;

x - &gt; right = y - &gt; left;

if (y - &gt; left != TNULL)


  y - &gt; left - &gt; parent = x;


y - &gt; parent = x - &gt; parent;

if (x - &gt; parent == nullptr)


  this - &gt; root = y;

} else if (x == x - &gt; parent - &gt; left)


  x - &gt; parent - &gt; left = y;

} else


  x - &gt; parent - &gt; right = y;


y - &gt; left = x;

x - &gt; parent = y;


void rightRotate(NodePtr x)


NodePtr y = x - &gt; left;

x - &gt; left = y - &gt; right;

if (y - &gt; right != TNULL)


  y - &gt; right - &gt; parent = x;


y - &gt; parent = x - &gt; parent;

if (x - &gt; parent == nullptr)


  this - &gt; root = y;

} else if (x == x - &gt; parent - &gt; right)


  x - &gt; parent - &gt; right = y;

} else


  x - &gt; parent - &gt; left = y;


y - &gt; right = x;

x - &gt; parent = y;


void insert(int key)


NodePtr node = new Node;

node - &gt; parent = nullptr;

node - &gt; data = key;

node - &gt; left = TNULL;

node - &gt; right = TNULL;

node - &gt; color = 1;

NodePtr y = nullptr;

NodePtr x = this - &gt; root;

while (x != TNULL)


  y = x;

  if (node - &gt; data &lt; x - &gt; data)


    x = x - &gt; left;

  } else


    x = x - &gt; right;



node - &gt; parent = y;

if (y == nullptr)


  root = node;

} else if (node - &gt; data &lt; y - &gt; data)


  y - &gt; left = node;

} else


  y - &gt; right = node;


if (node - &gt; parent == nullptr)


  node - &gt; color = 0;



if (node - &gt; parent - &gt; parent == nullptr)






NodePtr getRoot()


return this - &gt; root;


void printTree()


if (root)


  printTree(this - &gt; root, "", true);




int main()


RedBlackTree bst;









Red Black Tree Insertion